Hello everyone.

Today we will continue to study the blog construction of personal webmaster exploration.

After we builded the blog, the page was all alone with only the article content. No support for classification arrangement, and mult-language switching, and there is not even a blog introduction or welcome message. This is a little too shabby. Let’s decorate it.

Of course, you can alse directly refer to the configuration of the Demo project.

hugo basic usage

Content organization

Hugo assumes that the same structure that works to organize your source content is used to organize the rendered site.


The Demo project is missing information about the default language and language directory.

defaultContentLanguage: zh
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir: true

# ...
    languageName: "English"
    contentDir: "content/en"
# ...
    languageName: "简体中文(chinese)"
    contentDir: "content/zh"

welcome message

  languageName: "EN"
  contentDir: "content/en"

      Content: >
        👋 Welcome to Hawkeye-xb blog!        

social icon(Github icon)

    - name: github
      title: View Source on Github
      url: "https://github.com/hawkeye-xb/blog"

configuration file splitting

If there are many languages to be supported, the configuration file will become very long. Configuration-directory can handle this problem. It can alse be split according to env.

└── config/
    ├── _default/
    │   ├── hugo.toml
    │   ├── menus.en.toml
    │   ├── menus.de.toml
    │   └── params.toml
    └── production/
        └── params.toml

No method has been found for the dropdown submenu.

    - name: Archive
      url: archives
      weight: 5
    - name: Search
      url: search/
      weight: 10

Weight is sorting.

It just so happens that the menu here is the URL of archive and search respectively.

The search function requires creating files and setting layout.

<!-- --- -->
title: "Search"
placeholder: Search demo site with full text fuzzy search ...
layout: "search"
<!-- --- -->

It was verified that entering any content in the search box did not display any matching items. You also need paperMod fuseOpts to implement the search.

  isCaseSensitive: false
  shouldSort: true
  location: 0
  distance: 1000
  threshold: 0.4
  minMatchCharLength: 0
  limit: 10 # refer: https://www.fusejs.io/api/methods.html#search
  keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "content"] ##  can be less but not more than shown in list

And hugo output settings, to provide content for the search function.

    - HTML
    - RSS
    - JSON

category, tag, series

category, tag, series alse need to define the category in front matter.

  category: categories
  tag: tags
  series: series

front matter

categories = ['blog']
tags = ['hugo']


To summarize here, we have set up the multi-language of Hugo blog. On this basis, set the welcome message, social icons and menu. Added archive, search, category and tag to the menu.

I hope these five minutes today will be helpful to you/doge。